A Tale of Performance - JavaScript, Rust, and WebAssembly

Embark on a journey of optimization with me, learning in great detail about Rust, WebAssembly, and lots more along the way. We will compare and contrast multiple approaches to solving a performance problem, from native browser APIs to both naive and complex Rust and WebAssembly implementations.

• Tyler Wilcock

AWS CloudFront User Authentication using Lambda@Edge

We want to protect private S3 content distributed by Amazon's CloudFront service, but we don't want to run a proxy server to authenticate requests. We explain the development process of creating a dynamic Lambda function that authenticates viewer requests utilizing the AWS CloudFront feature, Lambda@Edge.

• Payton Garland

Maker Day 2017

On August 10, 2017, Widen held its inaugural Maker Day team building exercise for the Development team to partake in an adventure building physical hardware components for a day.

• Ben Dotte

The Future of Web Development (Part 2): Full-Stack Automated JavaScript Testing

In my last article, I showed you how to develop a full-stack JavaScript web application using some pretty interesting and futuristic libraries and web specifications. In this follow-up, I'm going to demonstrate how you can write server-side and client-side unit and integration/Selenium tests for that app entirely in JavaScript.

• Ray Nicholus